

Addresses in 2024 Address Policy, APRICOT 2025, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 26 February
The Evolution of Internet Markets ISOC Pulse Workshop at APRICOT 2025, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 24 February
Whatever Happened to IPv6? APRICOT 2025 Plenary, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 24 February
Recursive Resolvers and Authoritative Servers OARC44, Atlanta, 6 February
30 Years of BGP Lightning Talk, NANOG 93, Atlanta, 4 February
Measuring Starlink Performance NANOG 93, Atlanta, 4 February

Operating the Internet's Largest Measurement System Workshop for Advanced Internet Operations Research in India, India Internet Foundation, Guwahati, India, 18 December
The IPv6 Transition RIPE IPv6 Working Group, RIPE 89, Prague, 31st October
Is Infrastructure Security an Internet Market Failure? RIPE 89 Plenary, Prague, 28th October
QUIC TWNIC Open Policy Meeting, Taiwan, 23rd October
The IPv6 Transition Keynote, NANOG 92, Toronto, 22nd October
Measuring TCP Protocol Performance on Starlink AUSNOG 24, Sydney, 6th September
Is Infrastructure Security an Internet Market Failure? APNIC 58, Wellington, NZ, 4th September
Trust and Security VNNIC 2024 Internet Conference, 6 June
Networking in the Penumbra FT Wholesale Winery Tour, Lombardy, 30 May
QUIC QUIC, ANU Graduate Student Lecture, 21 May 2024
ROA / ROV Measurements MANRS Community Meeting, 15 May 2024
BGP in 2023 School of Computing Seminar, ANU, 29 April 2024
The Evolution of the Internet Everything Open 2024, Gladstone, AU, 16 April
On Starlink NZNOG 2024, Nelson, 12 April
Networking in the Penumbra NZNOG 2024, Nelson, NZ, 11 April
On Starlink OpenAccess Italia Association, Rome, IT, 12 April
Operating the Internet's Largest Measurement System Meeting with Indonesian MICT, 25 March 2924
Making an RFC in Today's IETF RASP Research Group Meeting, IETF 119, Brisbane, 20 March 2024
IPv6 and the DNS V6OPS Working Group Meeting, IETF 119, Brisbane, 20 March 2024
Is the DNS ready for IPv6? IEPG Meeting, IETF 119, Brisbane, 17 March 2024
BGP in 2023 ZANOG 2024, Cape Town, 13 March 2024
The semantics of IP Addresses APNIC Open Policy Meeting, APNIC 57, Bangkok, 29 February 2024
IP Addresses in 2003 APNIC Open Policy Meeting, APNIC 57, Bangkok, 29 February 2024
30 Years of IPv6 APNIC IPv6 Deployment, APNIC 57, Bangkok, 28 February 2024
The Rise and Rise of CDNs APNIC Panel Discussion, APNIC 57, Bangkok, 28 February 2024
BGP in 2003 APOPS, APRICOT 2024, Bangkok, 28 February 2024
Networking in the Penumbra APOPS, APRICOT 2024, Bangkok, 27 February 2024
DNS Centrality DNS OARC Community Day, APRICOT 2024, Bangkok, 27 February 2024
BGP in 2003 NANOG 90, Charlotte, NC, 12 February 2024
DNS and IPv6 OARC 42, Charlotte, NC, 9 February 2024

The Foundations of Network Security Webinar, Global Forum on Cyber Expertise, Pacific Hub, online
Networking in the Penumbra AINTEC, Hanoi, 13 December 2023
The Evolution of Carriage and Content Univation, Graz, 30 November 2023
On LEOs and Starlink RIPE 87 Plenary, Rome, 28 November 2023
Some Thoughts on Digital Identities Digital Identities, Japan Internet Day, 22 November 2023
On LEOs and Starlink VNNIC Internet Day 2023, 22 November 2023
A quick look at QUIC Taiwan Open Policy Meeting, Taipei, 15 November 2023
On LEOs and Starlink Keynote, Taiwan Open Policy Meeting, Taipei, 15 November 2023
A Larger IPv6 Documentation Space Reservation V6 Ops Working Group Meeting, IETF 118, Prague, 9 November 2021
On LEOs and Starlink IEPG Meeting, IETF 118, Prague, 5 November 2023
DNS Privacy IGF 2023, Kyoto, 10 October 23
The Evolution of Carriage, Content and Interconnection BEREC Workshop, 27 September 23
On LEOs and GEOs MNNOG 05, Ulaanbaater, 18 September 23
Goodbye TCP APNIC 56, Kyoto, 12 September 23
A quick look at QUIC AUSNOG 23, Gold Coast, 7 September 23
Automating DNSSEC Provisioning 2nd NextGen DNS Symposium, Beijing, 2 August
RPKI Prefixlist RPKI PrefixList, SIDROPS WG Meeting. IETF 117, San Francisco, 24 July
Internet Evolution ond IPv6 Global Digital Economy Conference, Beijing, 6 July
RPKI for the DNS Tech Presentation, 20 June
DNS Evolution APNIC Follows Presentation, 6 June
DNS in EU before DNS4EU DNS Working Group, RIPE 86, Rotterdam, 25 May
To DNSSEC or Not to DNSSEC? RIPE 86 Plenary, RIPE 86, Rotterdam, 23 May
Internet Infrastructure Resilience Joint TWNIC/ICANN Workshop, Taipei, 24 May
DNS and DNSSEC Lecture, ANU Course on Networking Fundamentals
Learnings from Failure Dagstuhl Seminar: Lessons Learned From 40+ Years of the Internet, Wadern, Germany, 1 - 4 May
A Quick look at QUIC Apricot 2023, Manila, 1 March
Measuring Protocol Performance on Leos and Geos Apricot 2023, Manila, 1 March
Addresses in 2022 Address Policy, APNIC 55, Manila, 1 March
A Panel on Broadband Satellite APNIC 55, Manila, 28 February
BGP in 2022 Apricot 2023, Manila, 28 February
Resolver Concentration Joao Damas, OARC 40, Atlanta, 16 February
A QUIC Briefing SSAC, 14 February
DNS Evolution Domain Pulse, Zurich, 7 February

Network Technology Futures AINTEC Workshop, Hiroshima, 21 December
Future Network Needs TWNIC Open Policy Meeting, 1 December
Measuring the Centralization of DNS Resolution 2022 ICANN DNS Symposium, Brussels, 22 November
Measuring the use of DoH and DoT IEPG, IETF 115, London, 6 November
Another IPv6 Extension Header Measurement IEPG, IETF 115, London, 6 November
A Quick Look at QUIC RIPE 85, Belgrade, Serbia, 25 October
The Path to Resolverless DNS OARC 39, Belgrade, Serbia, 22 October
Where Theory Meets Practice - Lessons from Operational Deployment ACM ICN Workshop, 21 September
Changing Perspectives on IPv6 IPv6 Panel, APNIC 54, 15 September
The Path to Resolverless DNS APNIC 54, 13 September
Building the Internet's Largest Measurement System ILNOG, 13 September
Sender Pays BEREC Workshop, 7 September
Introducing the IETF APAN, 22 August 2022
The Resolvers We Use DNS OARC 38, Philadelphia, 31 July
Measuring QUIC IEPG Meeting, (also presented to the MAPRG Working Group) IETF 114, Philadelphia, 24 July
Future Network Needs VNNIC 2022 Internet Conference
DNSSEC AUDA Technical Advisory Committee Briefing
The Path to Resolverless DNS DNS Encryption Meeting
Web Security APNIC Fellows, 2 June
IPv6 in the Asia Pacific IPv6 Summit, Singapore, 1 June
Internet Centrality and its impact on Routing Keynote for the Conference of Internet Architecture, CERNET, China (poostponed)
On IPv6 Lecture, ANU Course on Networking
On Routing Security NZNOG 2022, 20 May
Revocation RIPE 84 Plenary, 20 May
The Resolvers We Use presesented by Joao Damas, DNS Working Group, RIPE 84, 19 May
Resolverless DNS ZDNS DNS Seminar, China (postponed)
The DNS Resolver Landscape ICANN ME DNS Forum 2022, 18 May
Some Thoughts on the Nature of the Internet ICANN APAC-TWNIC Engagement Forum, 12 May
IPv6 Transition ARIN 49, 28 April
Content and Carriage Korean Network Usage Fee Seminar, 19 April
Measuring ROV AUSNOG 21, 6 April
An Update in IPv6 Fragmentation Connections 2022, India Internet Engineering Society, 6 April
What is the DNS Panel on the Future of the DNS, ICANN APAC DNS FORUM, 30 March
IPv6 Fragmentation and Extension Headers IEPG, IETF 113, Vienna, 20 March
DNS "Openness" APRICOT 2022, 3 March
IP Addresses in 2021 APRICOT 2022, 2 March
IPv6 Fragmentation Handling APRICOT 2022, 1 March
BGP in 2021 APRICOT 2022, 1 March
DNS "Openness" NANOG 84, 14 February

IPv4 Address Markets IPXO Webinar, 15 December
Measurement of DNSSEC Validation with RSA-4096 DNS OARC 36, 30 November
Routing Security is more than RPKI PACNOG 29 Workshop, 30 November
DNS "Openness" Plenary, RIPE 83, 26 November
Measurement of DNSSEC Validation with RSA-4096 DNS Working Group, RIPE 83, 25 November
Passive vs Active Measurements in the DNS DINR 21, 17 November
Internet Centrality and its Impact on Routing IETF 112, 10 November
Future Network Needs Virtual School of Internet Governance, 4 November
IP Technology Adoption in Mongolia Mongolian NOG, 29 October
IP Technology Adoption in Bhutan Bhutan NOG, 21 October
Measuring RPKI MANRS Community Meeting, 20 October
Future Network Needs Future of Computer Communications Networks, IBM Research Workshop, 13 October
The Post IPocalypse Internet Broadband India Forum, 7 October
BGP Security Threats and Challenges TWNIC OPM, 6 October
Some Thoughts on DNS "Openness" BEREC workshop on the Internet's DNS Ecosystem, 27 September
Is "Big" Necessarily "Bad"? Keynote, ACM Conference on Information-centric Networking '21, 23 September
DNS Oblivion APOPS, APNIC 52, 14 September
IPv6 and Fragmentation IPv6 SIG, APNIC 52, 14 September
Learning from our Miztakes APNIC 52, 14 September
DNS Centrality HKNOG 9.0, 10 September
Measurement of DNSSEC Validation with Edwards Curve Cryptography DNS OARC 35a, 8 September
Some thoughts on Internet Infrastrucrture Internet Infrastructure, South East Asia IGF, 2 September
Trust and Security on the Internet Internet Centrality, APNIC Fellows Session, 19 July
Trust and Security on the Internet APNG Seminar, 19 June
DNS Evolution NANOG 82, 14 June
Internet Centrality Decentralised Internet Infrastructure Research Group Meeting, 3 June
Resolver Centrality ICANN DNS Symposium. 25 May
Measuring IPv6 Fragmentation IPv6 Working Group, RIPE 82, 20 May
Resolver Centrality DNS Working Group, RIPE 82, 19 May
DNS Evolution RIPE 82 Plenary, 17 May
Trust and Security on the Internet Grad Student Lecture, 13 May
Oblivious DNS ICANN APAC / TWNIC Engagement Forum, 15 April
IPv6 Deployment ICANN APAC / TWNIC Engagement Forum, 15 April
DNS Deep Dive IETF 110, 4 March
Route Object Validation APRICOR 2021, 4 March
Addressing 2020 APNIC 51, 3 March
Routing Security: AS Path Protection APNIC 51, 2 March
IPv6 Deployment Update APNIC 51, 2 March
BGP in 2020 APRICOT 2021, 2 March
DNS Privacy Update APRICOT 2021, 1 March
Measuring DNS Flag Day DNS OARC 34, 4 February

Technology Drivers Keynote, MIX Salotto 2020, Milan Internet Exchange, 1 December
Security Sony Cyber Workshop, 3 November
Measuring RPKI MNNOG, 27 October
Query Name Minimisation RIPE 81 Plenary, 28 October
Measuring RPKI RIPE 81 Plenary, 27 October
Drivers for Adoption of New Technology LINX Presents, Internet Adoption Model Panel, 22 October
Measuring RPKI NANOG 80, 21 October
Measuring RPKI BTNOG, 16 October
Some Technology Trends in the DNS AUDA, 16 October
State of the Internet NetThing, 1 October     
Query Name Minimisation Revisited DNS OARC 33, 28 September
Measuring RPKI HKNOG 9.0, 25 September
Technlogy Adoption in the Internet LINX Distinguished Speaker Series, 17 September
IPv6 and the DNS APNIC 50, 8 September
Measuring RPKI APNIC 50, 8 September
The Role of NRENs in Today's Internet Keynote Presentation, APAN 50, 5 August
Cyber Governance Plenary Panel, APAN 50, 4 August
Insecurity APNIC Networking From Home #4, 4 August
DNS Deep Dive Technology Deep Dive, with Wes Hardaker and Joao Damas, IETF 108, 23 July
Measuring RPKI IEPG Meeting (cancelled), IETF 108, 22 July
Cause and Effect in the DNS DINR 2020 Workshop, 22 July
Darwin Reinvented: On the Evolution of Protocols State of the Internet, Thousand Eyes, 16 July
Bloating Buffers APNIC Networking From Home #3, 15 July
Client-Side IPv6 Measurement at Scale NPS/CAIDA 2020 Virtual IPv6 Workshop, 17 June
Measurement of IPv6 Extension Header Support NPS/CAIDA 2020 Virtual IPv6 Workshop, 17 June
DNS Privacy (or not!) APNIC Networking From Home #2, 17 June
Implications of DNS Encryption Registration Operations Workshop #9, 16 June
Technology Adoption EuroDiG, WS 11, 11 June
DNS Zombies DNS OARC 32, 9 June
BGP in 2020 APNIC Networking From Home, 2 June
DNS and IPv6 RIPE DNS Working Group, 27 May
Buffers and Protocols RIPE 80 Plenary, 12 May
Measuring the User EDDI Presentation, 30 March 2020
The End of Days APNIC Policy SIG, APNIC 49, Melbourne, 20 Feb
IPv6 Performance Measurement IPv6 SIG, APNIC 49, Melbourne, 19 Feb
Routing and Addressing in the Internet - 2019 in Review APRICOT'2020, Melbourne, 19 Feb
Buffers and Protocols APRICOT'2020, Melbourne, 18 Feb
Buffers, Bloat and BBR NZNOG'2020, Christchurch, 30 Jan
DNS and DoH NZNOG'2020, Christchurch, 30 Jan
Measuring the End User 3rd ACEMS Workshop on Challenges of Data and Control of Networks (ACDCN), Adelaide, 22 Jan

IP Addresses KISMET Workshop, CAIDA, San Diego, 9 Dec
Abusing the DNS KISMET Workshop, CAIDA, San Diego, 9 Dec
No! IEPG, IETF 106, Singapore, 17 Nov
The Future Internet Keynote, CERNET Conference, Hangzhou, 12 Nov
NSEC Caching Revisited DNS OARC 31, Austin, 31 Oct
The Resolvers We Use DNS WG, RIPE 79, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 15 Oct
30 Years of BGP RIPE 79 Plenary, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 15 Oct
The Resolvers We Use with Joao Damas, ESNOG 24, Barcelona, Spain, 11 Oct
Detecting BGP Anomalies ESNOG 24, Barcelona, Spain, 10 Oct
DNS Privacy MNNOG, Ulanbaatar, Mongolia, 16 Sep
IPv6 Reliability and Performance Measurements APNIC 48, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 11 Sep
Detecting BGP Anomalies APNIC 48, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 10 Sep
TCP and BBR AUSNOG '19, Melbourne, 5 Sep
BGP in 2018 IEPG Session, IETF 105, Montreal 21 July
The Rise (and Fall) of the Internet Henry Sutton Oration, Telecommunications Society of Australia, Melbourne, 20 June
30 Years of BGP IAB Design Expectations vs. Deployment Workshop, Helsinki, 4 June
BGP in 2018 RIPE 78, Routing Working Group, Reykjavik, 21 May
IPv6 Reliability Measurements RIPE 78, IPv6 Working Group, Reykjavik, 21 May
That KSK Roll RIPE 78, Plenary, Reykjavik, 21 May
What part of "NO" is so hard to understand? DNS OARC 30, Bangkok, 12 May
TCP and BBR Tech Presentation, Canberra, 2 May
APNIC's Security Activities ICANN APAC TWNIC Engagment Forum, Taipei, April 17
Why DNSSEC? DNS Security Session, Canberra, 12 March
IPv6 Performance Measurement IPv6 Measurement, IETF 104, Prague, 24 March
Unadvertised Addresses in the APNIC Registry APNIC 47 2019, Daejeon, Korea, 25 February
Unadvertised Addresses in the APNIC Registry APNIC 47 2019, Daejeon, Korea, 25 February
Why is Internet Security so hard? APNIC 47 2019, Daejeon, Korea, 25 February
DNS Privacy APRICOT 2019, Daejeon, Korea, 25 February
BGP in 2018 APRICOT 2019, Daejeon, Korea, 25 February
What's the Time? APRICOT 2019, Daejeon, Korea, 25 February
Why is Securing the Routing System so Damn Difficult? NZNOG 2019, Napier, New Zealand, 2 February
What's the Time? SANOG 33, Thimphu, Bhutan, 10 January
Securing the Routing System Keynote, SANOG 33, Thimphu, Bhutan, 9 January

The Death of Transit and the Future Internet ITU-T Workshop on the 2030 Future Network, Hong Kong, 18 December
BGP Security Questions WIE 18, Workshop on Internet Economics, UCSD, San Diego, 12 December
DNS Privacy IEPG, IETF 103, Bangkok, 4 November
DNS Privacy ESNOG 22, Valencia, 25 October
KSK Roll Results Techday, ICANN 63, Barcelona, 22 October
That KSK Roll NANOG 76, Vancouver, 3 October
Who am I Talking To? Security Workshop, Los Angeles, 26 September
Heisenberg's DNS Security Workshop, Los Angeles, 26 September
The Death of Transit and Beyond Presentation to ISOC-CA, Ottawa, 24 September
The Death of Transit and Beyond Presentation at Thousand Eyes, San Francisco, 11 July
Reasons for IPv6 Deployment IPv6 Working Group, RIPE 76, Marseille, 17th May
Measuring ATR DNS Working Group, RIPE 76, Marseille, 16th May
TCP and BBR Plenary, RIPE 76, Marseille, 15th May
TCP and BBR REDIRIS.ES Conference, Salamanca, 10th May
Why Dane? Canberra Linux Users Group, Canberra, 26th April
Measuring ATR in the DNS IEPG, IETF 101, London, 18 March
Measuring ATR in the DNS DNS OARC 28, San Juan, 9th March
The Death of Transit HKNOG 6.0, Hong Kong, 2nd March
Thoughts on the RPKI APNIC 45, Kathmandu, 26th February
BBR APRICOT 2018, Kathmandu, 26th February
Addressing and Routing in 2017 APRICOT 2018, Kathmandu, 25th February
DDOS, DNS and DNSSEC NZNOG - 26th January 2018

The Rise and Rise of Content Distribution Networks CAIDA Workshop in Internet Economics, 13th December 2017
The Death of Transit and Beyond IAB Tech Talk, 7th December 2017
IoT ATSE, Canberra, 29th November 2017
Measuring IPv6 28th November 2017
TCP and BBR Canberra Linux Users Group, Canberra, 23rd November 2017
Are we ready for an IPv6 only Network? AINTEC 2017, Bangkok, 22nd October 2017
Peering: Then and Now THAINOG, Bangkok, 20th October 2017
A Signalling Mechanism for Trusted Keys in the DNS DNSOPS Working Group, IETF 100, Singapore, 13th November
IPv6 Fragmentation and Extension Headers IPv6 Measurement Group, IETF 100, Singapore, 12th November
A Signalling Mechanism for Trusted Keys in the DNS IEPG, IETF 100, Singapore, 12th November
A Signalling Mechanism for Trusted Keys in the DNS ICANN 60, Abu Dhabi, 1st November
IPv6 Extension Headers RIPE 75, Dubai, 25th October
More Specifics in BGP RIPE 75, Dubai, 25th October
The Death of Transit and Beyond RIPE 75, Dubai, 23rd October
IPv6 Extension Headers Netnod Tech Day, Stockholm, 12th October
IPv6 Extension Headers NANOG 71, San Jose, 3rd October
DNS and IPv6 Fragmentation DNS OARC 26, San Jose, 29th October
IPv6 issues with Fragmentation SSAC Workshop, Los Angeles, 27th September
Some Thoughts on the Internet of Things Video presentation to TOP-IX Meeting, Turin, 26th September
The Death of Transit and Beyond Euro Peering Forum 12, Lisbon, 18th September
Measuring the KSK Roll APNIC 44, Taichung, 13th September
How Labs Measures APNIC 44, Taichung, 13th September
In Defence of NATs APNIC 44, Taichung, 12th September
Re-Engineering the Root of the DNS APNIC 44, Taichung, 12th September
Some Thoughts on the Internet of Things AUSNOG, Melbourne, 8th September
Securing BGP: The current state of RPKI September
Some Thoughts on the Internet of Things SGNOG 5, Singapore, 5th September
More Specifics in BGP IEPG Meeting, IETF 99, Prague, 16 July
The Death of Transit And Beyond ENOG 13, St Petersburg, 23 May
Who's Asking? DNS OARC 26, Madrid, 15 May
Scoring Roots DNS OARC 26, Madrid, 14 May
The Interent of Things RIPE 74, Budapest, 8 May 2017
In Defence of NATs IEEE Global Internet Symposium, Atlanta, 1 May 2017
Addressing 2016 ARIN 39, New Orleans, 4th April
BGP in 2016 IEPG, IETG 98, Chicago, 26th March
Root Servers Explained ICANN 58, Copenhagen, 12th March
IP Addresses in 2016 APRICOT 2017, Ho Chi Minh City, 1st March
Network Forensics in 2017 APRICOT 2017, Ho Chi Minh City, 1st March
IP Address Report APNIC 43, Address Policy SIG, Ho Chi Minh City, 1st March
ECDSA APRICOT 2017, Ho Chi Minh City, 28th February
The Death of Transit APNIC 43, Ho Chi Minh City, 28th February
BGP in 2016 APRICOT 2017, Ho Chi Minh City, 27th February
An Introduction to the Internet of Things HKNOG 4.0, Hong Kong, 24th February
Why Dane? NANOG 29, Washington, D.C., 8th February
Forensic Tracing in the Internet: An Update Europol Workshop, The Hague, 31st January
Why Dane? NZNOG'17, Tauranga, 27th January
IPv6 Deployment Status IPv6 Workshop, PTC'17, Honolulu, 15th January
Why Dane? NANOG On the Road, PTC'17, Honolulu, 15th January

Are we there yet? Measuring IPv6 in 2016 IPv6 Summit, Taipei, 13th December
DNS and DDOS IEPG, IETF'97, Seoul, 13th November
Measuring IPv6 Perfomance RIPE 73 Plenary, Madrid, 28th October
DNS and DDOS RIPE 73 Lightning Talk, Madrid, 28th October
IPv6 in the DNS IPv6 Working Group, RIPE 73, Madrid, 26th October
ECDSA RIPE 73 Lightning Talk, Madrid, 24th October
Why Dane? ESNOG, Madrid, 20th October
Desperately Seeking Default NANOG 68, Dallas, 17th October
IPv4 Address Report APNIC 42, Colombo, 4th October
Measuring IPv6 Performance APNIC 42, Colombo, 4th October
Desperately Seeking Default APNIC 42, Colombo, 3rd October
RPKI Trust Anchor APNIC 42, Colombo, 3rd October
Are We There Yet? SDNOG3, Khartoum, Sudan, August 17


Be Liberal... Pecha Kucha, IETF96, Berlin, Germany, 21st July
IPv6 Performance IEPG, IETF 96, Berlin, Germany, 17th July
What Have We Done? APNIC Staff Conference, Brisbane, 13th July
What Have We Done? QUESTNet Conference, Gold Coast, 6th July
DNSSEC Deployment Challenges DNSSEC Workshop, ICANN 56, Helsinki, 27 June
Review of DNSSEC Validation Status DNSSEC Workshop, ICANN 56, Helsinki, 27 June
Desperately Seeking Default RIPE 72, Copenhagen, 27 May
Large Packets in IPv6 RIPE 72, Copenhagen, 25 May
Zombies RIPE 72, Copenhagen, 23 May
Inter-Domain Routing Bangkok Peering Forum, Bangkok, 9th May
Routing 2015 IEPG, IETF95, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fragmentation Protosec Workshop, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Zombies DNS OARC Workshop, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Rolling the Root DNS OARC Workshop, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Support for ECDSA in DNSSEC DNS OARC Workshop, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Rolling the Root DNSSEC Workshop, ICANN 55, Marrakech, Morocco
Support for ECDSA in DNSSEC DNSSEC Workshop, ICANN 55, Marrakech, Morocco
Routing 2015 Closing Plenary, APRICOT 2016, Auckland, 25th February
Addressing 2015 Address Policy, APRICOT 2016, Auckland, 25th February
Address Transfers Transfers Panel, APRICOT 2016, Auckland, 24th February
Zombies Lightning Talk, APRICOT 2016, Auckland, 24th February
Why Dane? Transport Security, APRICOT 2016, Auckland, 23rd February
IPv6 Performance APOPS, APRICOT 2016, Auckland, 22nd February
Measuring the End User AIMS Workshop, CAIDA, San Diego, 10th February
Zombies NANOG 66, San Diego, 9th February
IPv6 Performance NANOG 66, San Diego, 8th February

Name Security CAIA Seminar, Swinburne University of Technology, 3rd December
The Mobile Internet RIPE 71, Bucharest, 20th November
IPv6 Performance RIPE 71, Bucharest, 19th November
Measuring IPv6 IPv6 Measurement Workshop, IETF 94, Yokohama, 1 November
Rolling the Root Zone KSK NANOG 65, Montreal, 5th October
Happy DNSBalls DNS OARC Fall Workshop, Montreal, 4th October
What Have We Done? WAIA AGM, Perth, 29th September
APNIC Labs Internet Measurements HKNOG 2.0, Hong Kong, 14th September
APNIC's Last /8 and Transfers Policy SIG, APNIC 40, Jakarta, 10th September
The State of the Mobile Internet APNIC 40, Jakarta, 9th September
Rolling Roots APNIC 40, Jakarta, 8th September
RPKI, ROAs and BGPsec - some personal opinions APNIC, Brisnbane, 1 September
Rolling Roots AUSNOG 2015, Melbourne, 27th August
Measuring the Internet using Ads Cloudflare, San Francisco, 5 June
Rolling the Key Signing Key of the Root Zone of the DNS NANOG 64, San Francisco, 2 June
IPv6 Panel NANOG 64, San Francisco, 2 June
An Update on IPv6 Measurement IPv6 WG, RIPE 70, Amsterdam, 10 May
Tyre Kicking the DNS DNS WG, RIPE 70, Amsterdam, 10 May
ECC P-256 support in DNSSEC-Validating Resolvers DNS OARC, Amsterdam, 810May
The Resolvers We Use RIPE NCC, Amsterdam, 8 May
The Buggers' Dilemma: Eavesdropping and Traceback on the Internet OECD STI Division Presentation, OECD, Paris, 29 April
Measuring IPv6 IPv6 Measurement Group Meeting, IETF 92, Dallas, 22 March
A Second Look at ECDSA in the DNS IEPG meeting, IETF 92, Dallas, 22 March
Report on Addressing and Routing in 2014 APNIC Address Policy SIG, Apricot 39, Fukuoka, Japan, 5 March
Thoughts on Securing Routing APOPS Routing Session, Apricot 39, Fukuoka, Japan, 4 March
The Resolvers we use APOPS DNS Session, Apricot 39, Fukuoka, Japan, 4 March
The Mobile Internet APOPS Plenary, Apricot 39, Fukuoka, Japan, 2 March
Routing in 2014 APOPS Plenary, Apricot 39, Fukuoka, Japan, 2 March
DNSSEC Update - Focus on Asia ICANN 52, Singapore, 11 February
The Resolvers We Use ICANN 52, Singapore, 10 February
Addressing and Routing in 2014 ICANN 52, Singapore, 9 February
The Resolvers We Use NANOG 63, San Antonio, 2 February
The 512K Route Thing NZNOG 2015, Rotorua, 29 January

The Resolvers We Use Lightning Talk, RIPE 69, London, 3 November
On Routing and Routers ESNOG Meeting, Madrid, 31 October
Measuring DNSSEC validation of ECDSA ICANN Root Key Roll Workshop, LA, 14 October
Measuring DNSSEC validation of ECDSA DNS OARC, LA, 12 October
Measuring DNSSEC Validation prepared for DNS OARC, LA, 12 October
Thoughts on Internet Fragmentation OECD, Paris 24 September
What's so special about 512K? APNIC 38, Brisbane, 15 September
Measurements on IPv6 Performance APNIC 38, Brisbane, 15 September
Measuring DNSSEC Validation APNIC 38, Brisbane, 15 September
Who's Watching? APNIC 38, Brisbane, 15 September
Carrier Grade NATS IGF 2014, Instabul, 4th September
What's so special about 512K? HKNOG 1.0, Hong Kong, 1 September
RPKI Validation Reconsidered SIDR WG Meeting, IETF 90, Toronto, 24 July
Measuring DNSSEC Validation IEPG Meeting, IETF 90, Toronto, 20 July
Thoughts on the next 25 years Net Hui, Auckland, 9 July
Why Dane? INTAC, NetHui, Auckland, 9 July
Name Collision Measurements ICANN 50, London, 24 June 2014
DNSSEC Measurements NANOG 61, Bellevue, 2 June 2014
Who's Watching? NANOG 61, Bellevue, 2 June 2014
Are We There Yet? 20 Years of IPv6 Deutsche IPv6 Summit, Frankfurt 22 May 2014
Advertising DNS Measurement DNS WG, RIPE 68, Warsaw, 14 May 2014
25 Years Ago ... RIPE 68 Plenary, Warsaw, 13 May 2014
BGP in 2013 (and a bit of 2014) RIPE 68 Plenary, Warsaw, 12 May 2014
CGNs and Network Forensics - A Progress Report RIPE NCC LEA Roundtable, London, 12 March 2014
Measuring The End User Name Collisions Workshop, London, 9 March 2014
RFC6490-bis SIDR WG, IETF 89, London, 4 March 2014
RPKI Validation Revisited SIDR WG, IETF 89, London, 4 March 2014
BGP in 2013 IEPG, IETF 89, London, 2 March 2014
BGP in 2013 APNIC 37, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 25 February 2014
Here's Looking At You APNIC 37, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 25 February 2014
Measuring DNSSEC Use APNIC 37, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 25 February 2014
Measuring IPv6 APNIC 37, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 25 February 2014
Some Observations on CGNs APNIC 37, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 25 February 2014
NTP and Evil APNIC 37, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 25 February 2014
DNSSEC - Issues and Achievements APTLD MEETING, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 21 February 2014
DNS, DNSSEC and DDOS APTLD MEETING, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 21 February 2014
Measuring IPv6 Performance NANOG 60, Atlanta, 10 February 2014
BGP in 2013 NANOG 60, Atlanta, 9 February 2014
Here's Looking at You Lightning Talk, NZNOG'2014, Nelson, New Zealand, 31 January 2014
DNSSEC NZNOG'2014, Nelson, New Zealand, 30 January 2014

IPv6 Transition and CGNs Europol Cybercrime Workshop, Den Haag, Netherlands, 12 November 2013
QoS ISOC Policy Track, IETF 88, Vancouver, Canada, 4 November 2013
Measuring Googles Public DNS IEPG Meeting, IETF 88, Vancouver, November 2013
Launch + 365 RIPE 67 IPv6 WG, Athens, 16 October 2013
A Question of Protocol RIPE 67 DNS WG, Athens, 16 October 2013
Facebook and the GFW of China RIPE 67 Lightning Talks, Athens, 15 October 2013
Measuring DNSSEC RIPE 67 Plenary, Athens, 15 October 2013
Facebook and the GFW of China NANOG 59 Lightning Talks, Phoenix, 8 October 2013
A Question of Protocols DNS OARC, Fall 2013, Phoenix, 5 October 2013
IPv6 Transition and CGNs Europol Workshop on CGNs, Den Haag, 26 September 2013
IPv6: Past, Present and Future IPv6 Workshop, Asia Pacific Regional IGF, Seoul, Korea, 5 September 2013
Facebook and the China GFW Lightning Talk, APNIC 36, XI'an, 29 August 2013Pv6 Workshop, Asia Pacific Regional IGF, Seoul, Korea, 5 September 2013
A Question of Protocols: DNS and TCP Lightning Talk, APNIC 36, XI'an, 29 August 2013Pv6 Workshop, Asia Pacific Regional IGF, Seoul, Korea, 5 September 2013
Measuring IPv6 Deployment IPv6 Measurement BOF, APNIC 36, XI'an, 27 August 2013
Measuring DNSSEC APOPS, APNIC 36, XI'an, 27 August 2013
IPv6 Launch - A Year Later prepared for APNIC 36, XI'an, 26 August 2013
Plenary Keynote Plenary, APNIC 36, XI'an, 26 August 2013
A User View of DNSSEC APTLD Workshop, XI'an, 22 August 2013
RPKI Validation Reconsidered SIDR WG, IETF87, Berlin, 2 August 2013
QoS and more ISOC Policy stream, IETF 87, Berlin, 28 July 2013
Measuring DNSSEC IEPG, IETF 87, Berlin, 28 July 2013
Forward Years in NZ INTAC Workshop, Net Hui 2013, Wellington, 7 July 2013
Measuring DNSSEC on the Client DNS OARC meeting, Dublin, 12 May 2013     


Measuring IPv6 IPv6 Panel, RIPE 66, 16 May 2013
An Introduction to Routing Security (and RPKI Tools) RPKI Briefing, 13 May 2013
Measuring Dual Stack Performance QUT Seminar, 19 April 2013
The State of IPv6 Rocky Mountain IPv6 Summit, 17 April 2013


The Business Cases for IPv6 and DNSSEC Technology Seminar, 28 March 2013
IPv6 Literally APRICOT/APNIC 35 Lightning Talk, Singapore, 25 February 2013
DNS over IPv6 APRICOT/APNIC 35 Lightning Talk, Singapore, 28 February 2013
Using DNSSEC APRICOT/APNIC 35 DNSSEC Session, Singapore, 27 February 2013
20 months after the IPocalypse linux.conf.au conference, 30 January 2013
Carrier Grade NATS with Mark Kosters, ARIN, TIP2013, Internet Joint Techs, 16 January 2013

The Internet in Transition: The State of IPv6 in Today's Internet Presentation to WISP, OECD, December 2012
The State of IPv6 Presentation to RIPE NCC Staff
RPKI IGF Workshop, IGF, Baku, 9 November 2012
Internet Futures IGF Workshop, IGF, Baku, 9 November 2012
Measuring IPv6 users: the Taiwanese Perspective TWNIC IPv6 Summit & OPM, Taipei, 20 November 2012     


A Review of the Past Decade and a Peek at the Next LACNIC 18, Montevideo, 29 October 2012
Counting DNS over IPv6 ARIN XXX, Dallas, 25 October 2012
Re-Counting DNSSEC NANOG 56, Dallas, 22 October 2012
Measuring IPv6 users: the Australian Perspective Australian IPv6 Summit, Melbourne, 18 October 2012     


Measuring DNSSEC ++ DNS Working Group, RIPE 65, Amsterdam, 25 September 2012
Measuring DNSSEC RIPE 65 Plenary Lightning Talk, Amsterdam, 25 September 2012
The Concept of QoS RIPE 65 Plenary, Amsterdam, 24 September 2012
IPv6 Exhaustion Progress Report NCTA LEA CGN Meeting, Washington, 21 September 2012
Measuring DNSSEC in the Wild Nordunet 2012, Oslo, 19 September 2012
One Protocol Good, Two protocols: ? Nordunet 2012, Oslo, 19 September 2012
BGP Progress Report APNIC 34, Phnom Penh, 30 August 2012
Measuring IPv6 with advertisements for fun and profit APNIC 34, Phnom Penh, 30 August 2012     


APNIC34 RPKI Report APNIC 34, Phnom Penh, 30 August 2012     


Measuring Dual Stack Quality APNIC 34, Phnom Penh, 28 August 2012
APNIC IPv6 measurements ISOC World IPv6 Event, IETF84, Vancouver, BC 01 August 2012     


The Post-IPoclaypse Internet IPv6 Singapore Conference, Singapore, 31 July 2012
Measuring IPv6 Critical Resources Panel, Asia Pacific Regional IGF, Tokyo, Japan 19 July 2012
The Internet and 2-sided Markets Two-Sided Market Panel, Asia Pacific Regional IGF, Tokyo, Japan 19 July 2012
Overhead ITR rumours WCIT Session Discussion Starter NotesNetHui 2012, Auckland, 11 July 2012
Network Analytics InTAC, Auckland, 10 July 2012
Networking Futures Sydney, 5 July 2012
IPv6 - A 10,000m Perspective CITEC Meeting, Brisbane, 4 July 2012
IPv6 ASO IPv6 Session, ICANN 44, Prague, 27 June 2012
RPKI NRO presentation to the GAC, ICANN 44, Prague, 27 June 2012
Extended Stats Reports Registry Services Managers Meeting, Prague, 26 June 2012
IPv4 Exhaustion - A Progress Report Ofcom Presentation, London, 22 June 2012
The Post IPocalypse Internet IPv6 Launch Day, HK ISOC, Hong Kong, 6 June 2012
Securing BGP IETF Update, Terena 2012 Networking Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 22 May 2012
IPocalypse Plenary Presentation, Terena 2012 Networking Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 22 May 2012
IPv6 Background Radiation DUST 2012 - 1st International Workshop on Darkspace and UnSolicited Traffic Analysis, CAIDA, San Diego, 14 May 2012
The end of IPv4 IPv6 Panel, Klagenfurt, Austria, 20 April 2012
IPv6 the alternative presentation pack!, 20 April 2012
The eBGP DFZ in 2011 RIPE64, Ljubljana, 18 April 2012
Measuring IPv6 with advertisements for fun and profit RIPE64, Ljubljana, 18 April 2012     


Dual Stack performance and Quality RIPE64, Ljubljana, 17 April 2012
Internet Future Visions RIPE64, Ljubljana, 16 April 2012
The Mobile Internet APNIC 33, New Delhi, 29 February 2012
More Specifically, BGP APRICOT 2012, New Delhi, 26 February 2012
Compare and Contrast: V4 and V6 BGP ISMA 2012 AIMS-4 - Workshop on Active Internet Measurements, San Diego, 8 - 10 February 2012
Measuring IPv6 with advertisements for fun and profit ISMA 2012 AIMS-4 - Workshop on Active Internet Measurements, San Diego, 8 - 10 February 2012     


Address Markets NANOG 54, San Diego, 5 - 8 February 2012
Digi Who? For Olaf Kolkman, NZNOG 2012, Christchurch, 25-27 January 2012
IPv6 CAIA Seminar, Swinburne University of Technology, 19th January 2012

An Economic Perspective on the IPv6 Transition The 2nd Workshop on Internet Economics (WIE'11), 1-2 December 2011<
YAIT (Yet Another IPv6 Talk) IPv6 Summit, Taipei, 15th November 2011<
The Growth of BGP (or lack thereof) IEPG Meeting, IETF 82, Taipei, 13th - 18th November 2011
IPv4 Address Exhaustion: A Progress Report Plenary, RIPE 63, Vienna, Austria, 2nd November 2011
The BGP World is Flat Routing WG, RIPE 63, Vienna, Austria, 2nd November 2011
Stacking It Up Australian IPv6 Summit, Melbourne, Australia, 18th October 2011
IPv4 Address Exhaustion: A Progress Report Joint Session: NANOG 53, ARIN XXVIII, Philadelphia, PA., 12th October 2011
IPv4 Address Exhaustion: A Progress Report IPv6 Workshop, LACNIC XVI, Buenos Aires, Argentina (presented with Olaf Kolkman), 6th October 2011
Stacking It Up IPv6 Workshop, LACNIC XVI, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 5th October 2011
A Progress Report on Address Exhaustion INEX 15 Anniversary, Dublin, Ireland, 22nd September 2011
Stacking It Up IPv6 Workshop, APNIC 32, Busan, Korea, 31st August 2011
Address Exhaustion Revisited Plenary Presentation, APNIC 32, Busan, Korea, 30th August 2011
Some Public Policy Issues OECD ITAC Meeting, 27 June 2011, Paris
A Public Policy Perspective on IPv6 Deployment European Digital Agenda Assembly, 19 June 2011, Brussels
Measuring Dual Stack Performance NANOG 52, 15 June 2011, Denver
Found Footage Hong Kong ISOC Chapter World IPv6 Day, 8th June 2011, Hong Kong
Stacking it Up TWNIC World IPv6 Day, 7th June 2011, Taipei
Securing Routing Presention to Web Service Provider, 31st May 2011, Canberra
Securing Routing AUSCERT 2011, 16th May 2011, Gold Coast
IPv4 Exhaustion, and Why We Should Be Worried GORE 9, ESNOG, 5th May 2011, Madrid
Measuring Dual Stack Performance RIPE 52, 2nd May 2011, Amsterdam
Measuring IPv6 with Google Analytics APNIC Labs Contribution for World IPv6 Day, 3rd April 2011
Dual Stack Performance V6OPS Working Group, IETF 80, 31st March 2011, Prague
IPv4 - The Movie
  IPv4 Movie
APNIC 31, 25 Feburary 2011, Hong Kong
RQA - Testing Address Blocks for Dark Traffic RQA BOF Session, APNIC 31, 23 Feburary 2011, Hong Kong
Dual Stack Performance APNIC Plenary, APNIC 31, 23 Feburary 2011, Hong Kong
Internet Futures Asia Future Internet Forum, Apricot-APAN 2011, 23 Feburary 2011, Hong Kong
An Economic Perspective on IPv6 Transition IPv6 Transition Conference, Apricot-APAN 2011, 22 Feburary 2011, Hong Kong
IP Background Radiation
 MPEG movies:
Presentation to NZNOG 2011, 28 January 2011, Wellington
IPv4 Exhaustion and why you should be worried
  Video (340M)
Presentation to LCA2011, 26 January 2011, Brisbane

The Business and Policy Implications of IPv4 Exhaustion Presentation to the OECD STI, 09 December 2010, Paris
The Transition to IPv6 Netherlands IPv6 Task Force, Annual IPv6 Awards, 25 November 2010, Den Haag
Background Radiation in IPv6 RIPE 61 Plenary, 19 November 2010, Rome
The Economics of the transition to IPv6 Australian IPv6 Summit, 19 October 2010, Melbourne
Background Radiation in IPv6 Lightning Talk, NANOG 50, 4 October 2010, Atlanta
Background Radiation in IPv6 August 2010
Background Traffic in IPv4 APNIC 30, 20 August 2010, Gold Coast
Measuring IPv6 APNIC 30, 20 August 2010, Gold Coast
An Economic Perspective on IPv6 Transition June 2010
Where Have all the ISPs Gone? ESNOG, GORE 05, 11 May 2010
BGP in 2009 (and a bit of 2010) ARIN XXV, 19 April 2010
BGP in 2009 Closing Plenary Keynote, APRICOT 2010, 4 March 2010
RPKI Standards Activity RPKI BOF, APRICOT 2010, 3 March 2010
An Economic Interpretation of IPv6 Transition IPv6 Economics and Implementation Workshop, APRICOT 2010, 2 March 2010
Stateless TCP Lightning Talk, NZNOG 2010, 28-29 January 2010
An Operational Perspective on Routing Security NZNOG 2010, 28-29 January 2010
State of the Internet - 4-Byte ASNs SANOG XV, 27 January 2009

Stateless TCP IETF76 - DNSEXT WG, 9 November 2009
Stateless and DNSperate IEPG, 8 November 2009
Keynote: Where have all the ISPs gone? Internetdagarna, 4 November 2009
BGP Security Internetdagarna, 4 November 2009
BGP Stability Internetdagarna, 4 November 2009
IPv6 Panel at RIPE59 RIPE 59, 6 October 2009
AS Numbers - Again RIPE 59, 5 October 2009
Market Failure? Workshop on Internet Economics (WIE'09), 23 September 2009
IPv6 Transition AUSNOG-03, 1 September 2009
BGP in 2008 AUSNOG-03, 1 September 2009
Prop-50 - Address Transfers APNIC 28, 27 August 2009
AS Numbers - Again APNIC 28, 26 August 2009
AARNET Turns 20 CAIA Seminar, 17 July 2009
IPv6 Deployment Seminar presentation, 24 June 2009
IPv6 Deployment Seminar summary, 1 June 2009
Beyond the IPv4 Internet Presentation, 11 May 2009
ROAs and detecting "Bad" Originations SIDR WG, IETF74, 24 March 2009
Trust Anchors for the RPKI SIDR WG, IETF74, 24 March 2009
Whats Missing with Address Sharing SHARA BOF, IETF74, 23 March 2009
Measuring IPv6 Google IPv6 Workshop, 19 March 2009 (With George Michaelson)
BGP in 2008 APNIC 27, 26 February 2009

Beyond IPv4 Australasian Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference, 10 December 2008
Beyond IPv4 Internet Week 2008, Japan, 28 November 2008
Failure is an Option Australian IPv6 Summit, 18 November 2008
Failure is an Option Internetdagarna, Sweden, 21 October 2008, presented by Patrik Fältström
Measuring IPv6 NANOG 44, 14 October 2008
Failure is an Option AUSNOG-02, 21 August 2008
IPv6 Keynote Korean IPv6 Summit, 19 June 2008
Measuring IPv6 Deployment Korean IPv6 Summit, 18 June 2008
The Policy Dimensions of the Transition to IPv6 OECD Ministerial: The Future of the Internet Economy, 17 June 2008
End to End OECD Ministerial: The Future of the Internet Economy, 16 June 2008
Internet Futures Italian Peering Forum, 27 May 2008
Measuring IPv6 Deployment RIPE 56, 7 May 2008
Update on Resource Certification SECSAC Meeting, 12 March 2008
APNIC Transfer Policy Proposal APNIC 25, 27 March 2008
IPv4 Depletion NZNOG 08, 24 January 2008
Internet Futures NZNOG 08, 24 January 2008

ResCert Provisioning Protocol IETF 70 SIDR WG Meeting, 3 December 2007
ResCert Profile IETF 70 SIDR WG Meeting, 3 December 2007
Inter-Domain Routing Tutorial IETF 70 EDU Tutorial, 2 December 2007
Damping BGP IEPG meeting at IETF 70, 2 December 2007
Religion, Technology, Engineering and IPv6 Australian 2007 IPv6 Summit, 21 November 2007
32 bit ASNs AusNOG 2007, 15 November 2007
IPv? AusNOG 2007, 15 November 2007
Securing BGP CAIA Seminar, 14 November 2007
IPv4 Exhaustion PITA Isuses and NGN workshop, 6 November 2007
Internet Futures PITA Isuses and NGN workshop, 6 November 2007
Damping BGP RIPE 55, Routing WG, 24 October 2007
What's in a name ? RIPE 55, Plenary Presentation, 23 October 2007
The Train Wreck talk RIPE 55, Plenary Presentation, 23 October 2007
IPv4 Exhaustion APNIC 24, Plenary Presentation, 7 September 2007
Address Transfer Policy Proposal APNIC 24, Address Policy SIG, 5 September 2007
IPv4 Address Status IETF 69, Internet Area Meeting, 23 July 2007
Inter-Domain Routing Tutorial IETF 69, EDU Team Tutorial, 22 July 2007
Taming BGP CAIA Presentation, 18 July 2007
The End of the (IPv4) World is Nigh(er) Questnet 2007 Presentation, 12 July 2007
Whats in an Address ? JPNIC GA Presentation, 15 June 2007
IPv4 Exhaustion IPv4 Panel Session, Interop Japan, 14June 2007
The Myth of Convergence Keynote, Interop Japan, 14 June 2007
Some Opinions on DNSSEC DNSOPS.JP session, Interop Japan, 13 June 2007
A Contrarian View of ENUM Ripe 54, Tallinn, 9th May 2007
IPv4 Exhaustion Predictions (again!) Ripe 54, Tallinn, 9th May 2007
Some Lessons Learned from Designing the Resource PKI Ripe 54, Tallinn, 9th May 2007
Cable Quakes Ripe 54, Tallinn, 9th May 2007
BGP update profiles and the implications for secure BGP update validation processing PAM 2007, Belgium, 5th April 2007
BGP Routing Trends in 2006 IETF68, Prague, 22 March 2007
Routing the Internet in 2006 IEPG, Prague, 18 March 2007
32 bit ASNs - the view from the old BGP World IEPG, Prague, 18 March 2007
Progress Report on Resource Certification APNIC23, Bali, 1 March 2007
Summary Report on Resource Certification APNIC23, Bali, 1 March 2007
AAAA Records in the DNS Root APNIC23, Bali, 1 March 2007
32 bit ASNs - the view from the old BGP World NANOG 39, Toronto, 6 February 2007

Network Neutrality Australian Telecommunication Networks and Application Conference 2006, Melbourne, 5 December 2006
Identity and Location in IP CAIA Seminar,Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, 30 November 2006
Securing BGP AUSCERT Security Day, Brisbane, 27 November 2006
Infrastructure ENUM ENUM Day, Sydney, 15 November 2006
SHIM6 Overview 67th IETF, SHIM6 WG Meeting, San Diego, 8 November 2006
ROA Content Options 67th IETF, SIDR WG Meeting, San Diego, 7 November 2006
Resource Certificate Trial Progress Report 67th IETF, SIDR WG Meeting, San Diego, 7 November 2006
Resource Certificate Profile Specification 67th IETF, SIDR WG Meeting, San Diego, 7 November 2006
Who Are You? Identity and Location in IP 67th IETF, Internet Area, San Diego, 6 November 2006
BGP update profiles and the implications for secure BGP update validation processing 7th CAIDA-WIDE Workshop, San Diego, 4 November 2006
The IPv6 Condition 24 October 2006
The Oracle Bones of IPv4 Internetdagarna, 24 October 2006
The Myth of "Convergence" Internetdagarna, 24 October 2006
Another Year of Routing IAB Routing Workshop, 18 October 2006
Using Resource Certificates ARIN XVIII, 12 October 2006
Whats in the BGP Update Report NANOG 38 Lightning Talk, 10 October 2006
4-Byte AS Numbers - The View from the old BGP world 10 October 2006
Using Resource Certificates NANOG 38, 9 October 2006
Using Resource Certificates RIPE 53, 4 October 2006
Resource Certificate Trial - Progress Report APNIC 22, 6 September 2006
6Bone Phaseout APNIC 22, 6 September 2006
The Oracle Bones of IPv4 APNIC 22, 6 September 2006
Prop-033-v001: End site allocation policy for IPv6 Policy SIG APNIC 22, 6 September 2006 -with Randy Bush
Resource Certificate Profile IETF 66,SIDR WG 10 July 2006
The Evolution of the Internet Architecture and IPv6 7 July 2006
IPv4 Consumption Update 28 June 2006
The Case for IPv6 - Extinction, Evolution or Revolution? 23 June 2006
Measuring BGP CAIA Seminar 31 May 2006
4-Byte AS number registry Policy Proposal LACNIC Policy Proposal 2006-04 23 May 2006
A PKI for IDR AUSCERT 2006, 22 May 2006
APNIC Certificate Trial Report RIPE 52, 25 April 2006
What's in a Name? Ideas Forum on Information Infrastructures, National Library of Australia, 3 April 2006
2005 - Another Year of Routing Routing SIG, APNIC 21 March 2006
Convergence? Plenary Presentation to APRICOT 2006, March 2006
IPv4 Numerology Presentation to APRICOT 2006, March 2006
Convergence? Presentation to PTC06, January 2006
IPv6 - Now or Never? Presentation to PITA Meeting, January 2006

Evolution of the Internet's Architecture and IPv6 Presentation to IEEE Local Computer Networks Conference LCN 2005, November 2005
BGP Routing Table ReportPresentation, GROW WG, IETF-64 20, November 2005
Internet Evolution and IPv6Presentation to the Australian IPv6 Summit, October 2005
IPv4 Consumption ProjectionsPresentation to the Australian IPv6 Summit, October 2005
IPv4 Consumption ProjectionsPresentation, ARIN XVI" Rountable on IPv4, October 2005
Industry OutlookPresentation, NANOG 35, October 2005
AS NumbersPresentation, NANOG 35, October 2005
Shim6Presentation, NANOG 35, October 2005
IPv4 Consumption ProjectionsPresentation, RIPE 51, October 2005
APNIC Resource Certificate ReportPresentation, RIPE 51, October 2005
AS NumbersPresentation, RIPE 51, October 2005
Public Policy and Internet Governance Presentation, APNIC 20, September 2005
Internet Evolution and IPv6 Plenary Presentation, APNIC 20, September 2005
Looking Forward Presentation, APNIC 20, September 2005
AS Consumption Routing SIG Presentation, APNIC 20, September 2005
Detecting Hijacked Prefixes Routing SIG Presentation, APNIC 20, September 2005
IPv6 Policy Proposal Policy SIG Proposal, APNIC 20, September 2005
SHIM6 Architecture SHIM6 Architecture, SHIM6 WG, IETF-63, August 2005
BGP Report Report on BGP Status, GROW WG, IETF-63, August 2005
BGP, Security and Operations An operational perspective on BGP Security, GROW WG, IETF-63, August 2005
Locators Locators and Path Maintenance - Internet Area, IETF-63, August 2005
The How of Where Investigating three questions about the IPv6 Address Plan, June 2005
IPv6 Address Plan IPv6 Address Distribution Mechanisms, ITU-T IPv6 Workshop, Geneva, June 2005
Auto-Detecting Address Hijacking? Efforts to use routing data to auto-detect instances of Address Hijacking, RIPE-50, May 2005
IPv6 Address Consumption IPv6 Address Consumption Projections, RIPE-50, May 2005
AS Number Consumption AS Number Consumption Analysis and Planning Considerations, May 2005
Address Allocation Models Address Allocation Models - A commentary on the ITU-T proposal for national address registries for IPv6, ARIN XV, RIPE 50, Apr / May 2005
IPv6 Address Consumption IPv6 Address Consumption Projections, IPv6 Panel, ARIN XV, April 2005
IPv6 ULA Update on IPv6 ULAs, ARIN XV, April 2005
IPv6 HD Ratio Report on IPv6 HD Ratio value, ARIN XV, April 2005
IPv6 ID/Loc Split SHIM6 architecture. Multi6 WG, IETF 62, March 2005
BGP Table Update BGP Routing Table Status Report, GROW WG, IETF 62, March 2005
Internet Governance Internet Governance Panel Presentation, APNIC 19, Feb 2005
Deprecating ip6.int Status report on deprecation of ip6.int, APNIC 19, Feb 2005
BGP Update Update on the BGP Routing Table, APNIC 19, Frb 2005
ULA Status Status report on ULAs, APNIC 19, Feb 2005
NRO & WSIS Update Update on NRO, WSIS and WGIG, APNIC 19, Feb 2005
WSIS Update Update on NRO, WSIS and WGIG, APNIC EC, APNIC 19, Feb 2005
An Operational Perspective on Routing Security An Operational Perspective on Routing Security, Apricot 2005, Feb 2005
WSIS/WGIG Update Update on WSIS and WGIG Activities, AP* Meeting, Feb 2005
Routing Status Update report on BGP Table, Feb 2005

BGP Status BGP Status Report, GROW WG, IETF 59, November 2004
BGP - The Movie BGP - The Movie    
Who-Are-You Who Are You? The Identity / Locator Split in IP - European IST IPv6 Cluster Meeting, Sept 2004
Multi6 IETF Multi6 WG - update report to RIPE 49, Sept 2004
Routing-Table-Status-Report BGP Routing Status - Report to APNIC 18, RIPE 49, Sept 2004
Multi6 IETF Multi6 WG - update report to APNIC 18, Sept 2004
IPv6-ULA IETF Proposal for ULA Addresses - update report to APNIC 18, Sept 2004
IPv6-Address-Space-Mgmt IANA to RIR Allocation considerations for IPv6, presentation to APNIC 18, Sept 2004
Secure-Iinternet Internet Security - SAGE-AU 2004, Aug 2004
Routing-Table-Status-Report BGP Routing Status - report to GROW WG - IETF 60, Aug 2004
Multi6-arch Multi6 Architectures - presentation to MULTI6 WG - IETF 60, Aug 2004
Trashing Internet Security - Questnet 2004, July 2004
Multi6-arch Multi6 Architectures - presentation to MULTI6 WG Interim meeting, July 2004
6to4-dns 6to4 DNS - update report to RIPE 48, May 2004
Waistwatching IP Architecture - Presentation to ISOC-SE, May 2004
IETF zoo Overview of the IETF, May 2004
Trashing Internet Security, May 2004
Multi6-arch Multi6 WG status report, May 2004
allocation-vs-announcement Allocations vs Announcements - presentation to RIPE 48, May 2004
V4-Projections IPv4 Projections - IEPG presentation, March 2004
Multi6 Architecture Multi6 Architecture, IETF 59, March 2004
Allocs Allocations vs Announcements - A comparison of Registry Allocations and BGP ADvertisements, APNIC, March 2004
Trashing the Internet Commons Trashing the Internet Commons, NZNOG'04, January 2004
6to4 A Proposal for the automation of support for reverse delegations int the 6to4 reverse DNS space for IPv6, RIPE, APNIC, January 2004