The Root of the DNS

The Internet’s Domain Name System (DNS) is a remarkably simple system. You send queries into this system via a call to your local host’s name resolution library, and you get back answers. If you peek into the DNS system you’ll see exactly the same simplicity: The DNS resolver that receives…

Notes from OARC 44

The DNS Operations, Analysis, and Research Center (DNS-OARC) brings together DNS service operators, DNS software implementors, and researchers together to share concerns, information and learn together about the operation and evolution of the DNS. They meet between two to three times a year in a workshops format. The most recent…

Network Automation and AI at NANOG 93

I recently attended NANOG 93, in Atlanta in the first week of February ( The dominant theme of the presentations this time around was the combination of automation of network command and control and the application of Artificial Intelligence tools to this control function. The interest in AI appears to…

BGP Zombies at NANOG 93

The internet is held together by the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). It’s an “interesting” protocol in many ways. Each BGP speaker uses a reliable transport protocol to send local reachability information to its adjacent peers. The inference is once a BGP neighbour has been informed about a new item, whether…

DNS Nameservers: Service Platforms and Resilience

Last year, in December, I looked at the behaviour of DNS recursive resolvers from the perspective of optimising performance and resilience of name resolution (). When given a choice of nameservers to use to query for a particular name within a domain will the resolver try to make an “optimal”…

IP Addresses in 2024

Time for another annual roundup from the world of IP addresses. Let’s see what has changed in the past 12 months in addressing the Internet and look at how IP address allocation information can inform us of the changing nature of the network itself. Back around 1992 the IETF gazed…

Updates in 2024

The first part of this annual report on BGP for the year 2024 looked at the size of the routing table and some projections of table growth for both IPv4 and IPv6. However, the scalability of BGP as the Internet’s routing protocol is not just dependant on the number of…

BGP in 2024

At the start of each year, it’s been my habit to report on the behaviour of the Internet’s inter-domain routing system over the previous 12 months, looking in some detail at some metrics from the routing system that can show the essential shape and behaviour of the underlying interconnection fabric…

DNS Nameservers

It’s common folklore in the Domain Name System that a delegated domain name must be served by 2 or more nameservers. The logic for this is based in a desire for service resilience. If one server is unreachable then hopefully the other is not, and recursive resolvers when presented with…

Post-Quantum Cryptography

It may be useful to start this article by defining what I am talking about. No, “Post-Quantum Cryptography” is not about using the next generation of computer processors that may come after quantum computing, whatever that may be, to perform cryptography. It’s not even about “Quantum Cryptography”, which is all…