DNS Query Privacy Revisited

This article was first written in August 2019, and it ended with the comment: “It’s likely that we will return to this measurement of the use of Qname minimisation in a year or so to see if anything has changed from the picture today.” A year has passed and it’s…

On Cyber Governance

APAN (Asia Pacific Advanced Network) brings together national research and education networks in the Asia Pacific region. APAN holds meetings twice a year to talk about current activities in the regional NREN sector. I was invited to be on a panel at APAN 50 on the subject of Cyber Governance,…

The Making of an RFC in today’s IETF

I’m a co-author (or is that “co-editor” in today’s politically correct environment?) of an Internet Draft that is closing in for publication as an RFC. It has gone through the Full Monty of the current IETF standardization process, including the steps of document review for Working Group adoption, further cycles…

DNS OARC 32b Meeting Notes

Much the Internet operations and research world has gone virtual for 2020. Meetings continue to take place and while the level of interaction in these meetings is different, many of these meetings continue to engender useful conversations. In my case I’m interested in the infrastructure that binds the network together…

IPv6 and the DNS

These days it seems that whenever we start to talk about the DNS the conversation immediately swings around to the subject of DNS over HTTPS (DoH) and the various implications of this technology in terms of changes in the way the DNS is used. It’s true that DoH is a…

Measuring Route Origin Validation

How well are we doing with the adoption of Route Origin Validation in the Inter-Domain routing space? There have been many workshops and training sessions and much in the way of counting the generation of RPKI certificates and Route Origin Attestations in recent months. The data published by the US…

Measuring IPv6

It’s now the season of virtual workshops, and without the overhead of time spent travelling to these events it’s been possible to participate in a number of these events all over the Internet in the space of a few days. This week I participated in a workshop on measurement of…

Where is the DNS Heading?

I was on a panel at the recent Registration Operations Workshop on the topic of DNS Privacy and Encryption. The question I found myself asking was: “What has DNS privacy to do with registration operations?” The registration function is part of the process of public attestation relating to some form…

Technology Adoption in the Internet

How are new technologies adopted in the Internet? What drives adoption? What impedes adoption? These were the questions posed at a panel session at the recent EuroDiG workshop in June. In many ways this is an uncomfortable question for the Internet, given the uncontrolled runaway success of the Internet in…

DNS OARC32a Meeting Report

Once the realisation sunk in that the lockdown response to the COVID-19 pandemic was not a short-term hiatus in our lives but a new normal, at least for a while, then a set of meetings and workshops have headed into the online space. For many years I have been a…