The recent NANOG 61 meeting was a pretty typical NANOG meeting, with a plenary stream, some interest group sessions, and an ARIN Public Policy session. The meeting attracted some 898 registered attendees, which was the biggest NANOG to date. No doubt the 70 registrations from Microsoft helped in this number,…

RIP Net Neutrality

It’s been an interesting couple of months in the ongoing tensions between Internet carriage and content service providers, particularly in the United States. The previous confident assertion was that the network neutrality regulatory measures in that country had capably addressed these tensions. While the demands of the content industry continue…

A Reappraisal of Validation in the RPKI

I’ve often heard that security is hard. And good security is very hard. Despite the best of intentions, and the investment of considerable care and attention in the design of a secure system, sometimes it takes the critical gaze of experience to sharpen the focus and understand what’s working and…

NTP for Evil

There was a story that was distributed around the newswire services at the start of February this year, reporting that we had just encountered the “biggest DDOS attack ever”. This dubious distinction was as a result of the observation that this time around the attack volume got to 400Gbps of…

Protocol Basics – The Network Time Protocol

Back at the end of June 2012[0] there was a brief IT hiccup as the world adjusted the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) standard by adding an extra second to the last minute of the 31st of June. Normally such an adjustment would pass unnoticed by all but a small dedicated…

BGP in 2013 – The Churn Report

Last month, in January 2014, I reported on the size of the Internet’s inter-domain routing table, and looked at some projection models for the size of the default-free zone in the coming years. At present these projections are looking at relatively modest levels of growth of some 7 – 8%…

Addressing 2013 – That Was The Year That Was

Time for another annual roundup from the world of IP addresses. What happened in 2013 and what is likely to happen in 2014? This is an update to the reports prepared at the same time in previous years, so lets see what has changed in the past 12 months in…

BGP in 2013

The Border Gateway Protocol, or BGP, has been toiling away, literally holding the Internet together, for more than two decades and nothing seems to be falling off the edge of the Internet so far. As far as we can tell everyone can still see everyone else, assuming that they want…

MITM and Routing Security

If the motivation behind the effort behind securing BGP was to allow any BGP speaker to distinguish between routing updates that contained “genuine” routing information and routing updates that contained contrived or false information, then these two reports point out that we’ve fallen short of that target. What’s gone wrong?…

OECD and IPv6 – A Public Policy Perspective on IPv6

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the OECD, is a widely referenced and respected source of objective economic data and comparative studies of national economies and economic performance. The organization has a very impressive track record of high quality research and a justified reputation of excellence in its publications,…