The Root of the DNS

The Internet’s Domain Name System (DNS) is a remarkably simple system. You send queries into this system via a call to your local host’s name resolution library, and you get back answers. If you peek into the DNS system you’ll see exactly the same simplicity: The DNS resolver that receives…

Notes from OARC 44

The DNS Operations, Analysis, and Research Center (DNS-OARC) brings together DNS service operators, DNS software implementors, and researchers together to share concerns, information and learn together about the operation and evolution of the DNS. They meet between two to three times a year in a workshops format. The most recent…

DNS Nameservers: Service Platforms and Resilience

Last year, in December, I looked at the behaviour of DNS recursive resolvers from the perspective of optimising performance and resilience of name resolution (). When given a choice of nameservers to use to query for a particular name within a domain will the resolver try to make an “optimal”…

DNS Nameservers

It’s common folklore in the Domain Name System that a delegated domain name must be served by 2 or more nameservers. The logic for this is based in a desire for service resilience. If one server is unreachable then hopefully the other is not, and recursive resolvers when presented with…


The DNS Operations, Analysis, and Research Center (DNS-OARC) brings together DNS service operators, DNS software implementors, and researchers together to share concerns, information and learn together about the operation and evolution of the DNS. They meet between two to three times a year in a workshops format. The most recent…

Bytes from IETF 120 – DNS Topics

DELEG This is a newly formed Working Group to look at the mechanisms for delegation in the DNS, intending to define a delegation with a richer set of functions than what we have with the NS delegation record. There are a number of shortcomings with the current form of delegation…

Privacy and DNS Client Subnet

There has been a fundamental change in the architecture of service and content delivery over the Internet over the past decade. Instead of using the network to bring the remote user to a server that delivers the content or service, the content (or service) is loaded into one or more…

Revisiting DNS and UDP Truncation

The choice of UDP as the default transport for the DNS was not a completely unqualified success. On the positive side, the stateless query/response model of UDP has been a good fit to the stateless query/response model of DNS transactions between a client and a server. The use of a…

DNS Evolution

The DNS is a crucial part of today’s Internet. With the fracturing of the network’s address space as a byproduct of IPv4 address run down and the protracted IPv6 transition the Internet’s name space is now the defining attribute of the Internet that makes it one network. However, the DNS…

DNS Topics at RIPE 88

RIPE 88 was held in May 2024 at Krakow, Poland. Here’s as summary of some of the the DNS topics that were presented at that meeting that I found to be of interest. DNSSEC Bootstrapping How can you start up a DNSSEC relationship between the parent zone and the delegated…