NZNOG 2015: Networking the Pacific is not as simple as it seems

Jon Brewer for NSRC presented at NZNOG on the pacific networking scene. He did a really good job of showing how the pacific floor is covered by a mesh of fibre connecting the developed economies, but they have bypassed many of the smaller island economies. There are sound economic reasons…

NZNOG 2015: Virtual routers have a niche, but it IS a niche

Tim Nagy from Juniper presented on the virtual router model. This is when you take commodity hardware (PCs) and run a virtualized router image on it, to provide you with the same kind of functionality a real dedicated hardware router would do, but hopefully in a more scaleable manner for…

NZNOG 2015: Lets all run OpenWRT

Jed Laundry gave a brief impassioned call-to-arms. We need to stop expecting vendors to encode different systems and sell us different CPE when the actual need is for commonality, not difference. The way out is to push OpenWRT as a common standard with add-ons, and give the community a chance…

BGP in 2014

The Border Gateway Protocol, or BGP, has been holding the Internet together, for more than two decades and nothing seems to be falling off the edge so far. As far as we can tell everyone can still see everyone else, assuming that they want to be seen, and the distributed…

Workshop on DNS Future Root Service

The theme of a workshop, held at the start of December 2014 in Hong Kong, was looking at means to enable further scaling of the root server system, and the 1½ day workshop was scoped in the form of consideration of alternative approaches to that of the default activity of…

Best Practices in Operating a Secure Routing Environment

The Internet’s Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is one of the most critical components of today’s Internet. It’s the engine that ensures that when your application passes a packet into the network, the network is able to pass it onward to its intended destination. This routing protocol is the glue that…

The Resolvers We Use

The Internet’s Domain Name System is a modern day miracle. It may not represent the largest database that has ever been built, but nevertheless it’s truly massive. And even if it’s not the largest database that’s ever been built, it’s perhaps one of the more intensively used. The DNS is…

Who’s Watching?

Much has been said over the past year or so about various forms of cyber spying. The United States has accused the Chinese of cyber espionage and stealing industrial secrets. A former contractor to the United States’ NSA, Edward Snowden, has accused various US intelligence agencies of systematic examination of…


Yes, that’s a cryptic topic, even for an article that addresses matters of the use of cryptographic algorithms, so congratulations for getting even this far! This is a report of a an experiment conducted in September and October 2014 by the authors to measure the extent to which deployed DNSSEC-validating…